"The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast used by a woman making bread. Even though she used a large amount of flour, the yeast permeated every part of the dough." Matthew 13:33 (New Living Translation)

In 1963, the myth that the Bible was  taken out of the schools began to grow.  As a result The Bible was effectively removed from the daily lives of many of America's children. Today a "show of hands" in a typical crowd proves that 8 out 10 believe this myth is actually the truth.  One of our goals and part of our vision is to educate the body of Christ that only mandatory Bible reading and prayer were removed not voluntary.  

Our calling and purpose is to assist  in planting and facilitating  Bible club's in every public school in the USA.  Whether hands on or by our influence, the aim is pouring a vision into the nation, not building a kingdom for KFCUSA.  If we all work together we will succeed and we will begin see a nationwide movement that changes this land.  

We see our selves as a synapse, connecting people and resources for effective Bible Clubs in America's schools.

Our purpose is simple:

Reach children in the public schools with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Encourage young believers in their faith; enabling them to live consistently in Christ.

Train and equip young believers with what they need to win others to Christ.

We believe that by doing these things we will positively affect our schools and our children's lives. Just as yeast permeates every part of the dough so also will our influence permeate the schools. Lives will be changed and every part of our society will consequently be affected.